Rawa Pening Lake Ambarawa

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Rawa Pening Lake Ambarawa

Rawa Pening Lake,Ambarawa

Rawa pening lake very good place to Taking photographs here is one of the most favorite activities especially at sunrise when the sky and the reflection of the changing colors create a very mystical atmosphere. Photographs would wait since 5 o’clock in the morning waiting for the tropical sunrise.

Rawa Pening literally meaning 'Clear Swamp', from the Javanese Bening is a lake in the Ambarawa Basin in Central Java, Indonesia. It serves as a source of power, irrigation, and flood control, and is used for fishing. Due partly to high numbers of aquatic plants, it may dry out by 2021.

bamboo root crafts from bangli Bali

Indonesian handicrafts 
bamboo root crafts from bangli Bali

bamboo root crafts from bangli Bali

as we know Indonesian handicrafts have continued to gain in popularity over the years. They have earned a dominant place in the highly competitive international giftware and furnishings market place. Millions of dollars of handicrafts are now being exported all over the globe annually to gifshops,supermarkets, department stores, wholesalers, importers and distributors.
quality Bali handicrafts to such entities and currently exports to at least forty countries all over the globe.

Bali is a place where arts, culture, religion, and people blend together to form harmony. This unique blend serves as a root for the creation of what has developed and grown into a truly wonderful arts and crafts industry. Bali's export of various handicraft products in the first ten months of 2007 rose 8.6 percent to US$202.8 million from US186.7 million in the same period last year.

its time to harvest rambutan Hurayyyyyy

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its time to harvest rambutan Hurayyyyyy 

if you visit to indonesia on march this month you can find much this fruits because this month  is a harvest time for rambutan fruits in indonesia.

its time to harvest rambutan Hurayyyyyy 

In Indonesia,rambutan can found in many markets even if the traditional fruit and harvest season has arrived, a lot of vendors selling merchandise rambutan at the edges of the highway.

I love so much this fruit, wonderfull sweet and usefull. Rambutan fruit did taste good, especially if it is one meal will definitely addicted to the sweet taste and a slightly acid.
Rambutans widely cultivated for its fruit is taken, but also typically used as garden plants. and very much amazing health benefits from rambutan like nutrient, starch, a type of sugar substances, amino acids, protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus, fats, enzymes and vitamin C, all of which are very good for health. While in the seeds contain a lot of fat,carbohydrates, proteins and polyphenols, the leaves lack the tannins and saponins and part tree bark contains tannin, saponin, flavonoid, iron and pectic substance.
In addition to the rambutan fruit tastes good and delicious, there are also benefits from plants, leaves, seeds or fruit which can cure various diseases. Due to the presence of compounds capable of treating a variety of diseases.

The amazing for Different types of Bananas

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The amazing for Different types of Bananas

The amazing for Different types of Bananas

Bananas is one of the most popular fruit on the planet and In some countries, bananas used for cooking may be called plantains. The fruit is variable in size, color and firmness, but is usually elongated and curved, with soft flesh rich in starch covered with a rind which may be green, yellow, red, purple, or brown when ripe. The fruits grow in clusters hanging from the top of the plant. Rich in sweetness, and high in vitamins and minerals bananas are used in wide variables for different purposes. Bananas are used medically; high in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia. Extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect food for helping to beat blood pressure.

Sumur tiga Beach Sabang

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Sumur tiga Beach Sabang
The best Keep secret beach in  weh island

Sumur tiga Beach Sabang

Sumur Tiga Beach is another one of best travel destination in  Indonesia’s. It is located on the east coast of Pulau Weh, approximately 15 minutes from Sabang, in the Aceh province, northwest Indonesia. Literally translated to mean “the Beach of three wells,” Pantai SumurTiga was given that name after the five fresh water wells you will find along the coast. The main stretch is situated around the third well, “SumurTiga,” though the actual beach stretches much further than that, making it the longest beach on Weh island.

Sumur tiga beach a very isolated beach, frequented mostly by locals living in the nearby area, and the occasional foreigner, Sumur Tiga may very well have been one of Indonesia’s best kept secrets. It has now, however, become a much more popular destination among those who enjoy diving and snorkelling, or simply those who want to relax and do absolutely nothing at all. It nevertheless remains fairly secluded – an ideal getaway from the stress and bustle of everyday life, and the perfect place for those who don’t quite fancy the more commercial tourist areas.

Spiso piso Waterfall

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Spiso piso Waterfall

Spiso piso Waterfall

Sipiso piso waterfall, literary mean like a knife this is 120m high  is 45 Kilometers from Berastagi at the northern end of Lake Toba. The water fall is formed by a small underground river of the Karo Plateau and flows out into the Lake Toba caldera.

Spiso piso waterfall set in the beautiful highlands of North Sumatra indonesia, the stunning Sipiso-piso waterfall is located on the North side of Lake Toba, 24 kms from Kabanjahe. This long but narrow waterfall drops 120 meters into an impressive gorge below.

This thundering waterfal is popular with visitors who come to photograph this magnificent natural wonder. Surrounded by a lush green mountainscape and with a rainbow forming at the base of the waterfall, it’s hard to imagine a more impressive subject for a photograph.

Kaja Island Central Kalimantan

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Kaja Island Central Kalimantan 
Home base of the Borneo Orangutan survival ( BOS )

Kaja Island Central Kalimantan 

Pulau Kaja or Kaja Island located in Central Kalimantan province of Indonesia, is part of the Borneo Orangutan Survival ( BOS ) Nyaru Menteng Rehabilitation center for Orangutans, as the pre release state for the orangutans in the last step before these orangutans return into the wild habitat. Kaja Island is the first pre-realest Island for orangutans of BOS (  Borneo Orangutan Survival ).

These Island occupied almost 110 hectare and is home to about 40 rehabilitated orangutans, awaiting the re release in the forest. Kaja Island has seasonal floods that submerge the ranges forest trees on the Pulau Kaja, as Kaja Island is located in the Rungan River of Central Kalimantan. Cruising the Rungan river towards the Pulau Kaja, we can spot the wild Orangutans from the riverside.

Tesso Nilo National Park

Tesso Nilo National Park 
Sumatra’s largest lowland rainforest
New Home of the sumatran tigers

Tesso Nilo Natinal park very good destination for nature lovers. you can Riding on an elephant trained by forest rangers and you also can survey the jungle, to watch animal tracks and animal homes, and admire the tall and sturdy ancient trees found in the park. The tame elephants are also trained to chase away willd elephants back into the jungle.

Tesso Nilo National Park 

Tesso Nilo National Park Located in the Riau province and  Tesso Nilo National Park is arguably the largest lowland rain forest on the island of Sumatra. Today the Park covers an area of 83,068 hectares, having grown twice as large from the former 38,576 hectares in 2004 when it was designated as a National Park. Tesso Nilo stretches along 4 districts, namely the districts of Palalawan, Indragiri Hulu, Kuantan Sengingi and Kampar. Tesso Nilo is planned to be expanded to cover 100,000 hectares to serve not only as the lungs for the Indonesia archipelago but also for the world.

Body rafting at citumang green valley Near PANGANDARAN

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Body rafting at citumang green valley Near PANGANDARAN
The Beautiful Natural River and Best Destination for Body Rafting 

Body rafting at citumang green valley Near  PANGANDARAN

The citumang green valley or citumang River this location near Pangandaran with its clear blue water, runs through green thick forests deep in the Cijulang area along the south coast of West Java. Its banks are decorated with beautiful boulders withbranches of trees and bushes picturesquely bending over the river. As the water flows on, it enters an astonishing cave. Here, tranquility greets visitors warmly. The only sounds heard are the sweet harmonny of nature: music created by gurgling water and the soft whispers of the wind as it makes its way through the trees, accompanied by the many unique sounds of hidden animals.

This river of tranquility is located at the Bojong Village, in the Ciamis Region, about 15Km west of Pangandaran. The name Citumang is given by the locals who believe that a certain crocodile with a broken leg once lived in this river. The crocodile’s name was “Si Tumang”, while “Ci” means : river. Hence the name Citumang given to the river

Body Rafting at Green Canyon PANGANDARAN

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Body Rafting at Green Canyon PANGANDARAN

Body Rafting at Green Canyon PANGANDARAN

Rafting, as we knows,using inflatable raft to descend a rapid flowing river. but, in Green Canyon (Pangandaran, West Java) there is a new rafting activity called body rafting who means using our body as "raft" to navigate the river, instead of using inflatable raft. This is a unique sport since there are only few sites offering body-rafting activity.

Playing with water, running and against the river currents and rapids this some adrenaline tests for you then body rafting Will navigate your own body down the river ln green canyon along 10 kilometers or 4-5 hours journey.

The beauty of the valley and the river banks are also more unique you can try and see it this is sport activty so amazing on Body Rafting adventure will make you want to come again to see the beauty of nature green canyon at pangandaran west java who still natural.

Mahoro Island

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Mahoro island
The hidden paradise of uninhabited island

Mahoro Island

Mahoro islands will be the next fantastic destination for backpacker. mahoro island have a very beautiful beach which is located in the Islands District of Tagulandang Biaro Siau North Sulawesi.

Mahoro island is a uninhabited islands . Located on the outermost line of the administrative district of Biaro Tagulandang Siau Island the easternmost point and now Mahoro become the new district . With a motorized fishing boat katinting, Mahoro Island can be reached in about 90 minutes from the Port of Ulu Siau. If we can rent a speed boat, the island is hidden behind this Buhias Island can be reached in just 15 minutes.

Flores Island

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Flores Island
The paradise island for diving lovers.

Flores Island it is  Really most fascinating and beautiful island. Long hidden in the shadows of its more famous neighbor Bali, the island of Flores is finally emerging as a unique destination of its own. So, after visiting the lair of the Komodo dragons, take time to marvel at some of the wonders of Flores. Here you can swim in pristine lakes and waterfalls, dive at one of the 50 spectacular dive sites, go kayaking among craggy coasts and mangrove shores, explore mysterious caves and be warmly welcomed by the island’s people in their rituals, dances and daily life.

Flores Island

Flores spells adventure, diving, eco-tours, and mountain climbing interspersed with visits to prehistoric heritage sites, traditional villages and cultural events

Lady Diana waterfall on the moyo island

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Lady Diana waterfall on the moyo island

The real name this waterfall is a Mata Jitu after the late princess diana visited this waterfall  then  local people called lady diana waterfall and this located on moyo island west nusa tenggara province

Lady Diana waterfall on the moyo island

Moyo island has become more famous with the visit of Princess Diana of England who sought refuge on this island from the paparazzi.

that special moment at august 16 1993 Twenty two years ago Lady Diana come with three women and her bodyguard lady diana two night and three day stay on moyo island she looks sad she stays at tent room on the beach she get swim and look enjoy sunset in the beach of moyo island

The main attraction of this island lies beneath the surface of the ocean. Moyo is surrounded by beautiful untouched coral reefs which are ideal for snorkeling. Swim with white tip reef sharks, dive next to blue spotted sting rays, encounter a school of tropical fish. These experiences in the tropical warm waters of Indonesia will be unforgettable.

Mbaru Niang, Manggaraian Traditional House

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Mbaru Niang, Manggaraian Traditional House 
UNESCO Top Award of Excellence 2012

Mbaru Niang, this is  traditional house in the village of Wae Rebo on the island of Flores, East Nusatenggara province, has received UNESCO’s Top Award  on the Award of Excellence among the 2012 Asia Pacific Heritage Award announced in Bangkok, Thailand on the 27 August 2012.

Mbaru Niang, Manggaraian Traditional House 
The Mbaru Niang Manggaraian house was Overcame 42 candidates from 11 countries in Asia Pacific, Mbaru Niang, the traditional house of Wae Rebo successfully achieved Awards of Excellence from UNESCO on august 27 2012 for its achievement in preserving their cultural heritage.

The Mbaru Niang is the cone shaped house found only in the village of Wae Rebo in the district of West Manggarai on the island of Flores, direct neighbour to the Komodo National Park. Located some 1,100 meters above sea level, Wae Rebo is quite an isolated village surrounded by panoramic mountains and dense jungle. A visit to Wae Rebo is made through the disctrisct’s capital of Ruteng and a trek from the Denge Sebu village to the Race Wae river. Wae Rebo has grown into a favorite destination for eco tourism. in flores east of nusa tenggara

Amed Beach Bali

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Amed Beach Bali
the special paradise of outstanding exotic beauty

Amed Beach located in Karangasem region of East Bali is everything you dreamed it would be a very rare and special paradise of outstanding exotic beauty, vibrant culture and friendly people. Here you can finally find peace and quiet, enjoy great food and take advantage of comfortable and also inexpensive accommodation.

Amed Beach Bali
The Amed Beach offers an excellent site for training dives. It has a flat bottom lagoon for instruction and a coral reef only 5 minutes swim away.
This location is highly recommended for introductory dives. By boat, Amed has a nice wall dive just a few minutes away. It is a fun, easy dive for everyone. Snorkeling and diving off the black-sand beaches here is exceptional, the variety and numbers of fish on display are among the best on Bali and the water temperature is a constant 28 degrees. Schools of cardinal fish, triggerfish, black snappers, pyramid butterflies, banner fish, and damselfish can be seen on the sand slopes, while table corals, big fan gorgonians, and magnificent stag horn Acropora and Dendronephthya trees, dense growths of sponges, crinoids, and sea fans are commonly found within 20 meters of shore.

Balangan Beach Bali

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Balangan Beach Bali
White sand Beach with base of palm tree

Balangan is a long beach, with low strand at the base of rocky cliffs. It's covered with palm trees and fronted by a ribbon of near-white sand, picturesquely dotted with sun umbrellas. Surfer bars, cafes in shacks and even slightly more permanent guesthouses precariously line the shore where buffed First World bods soak up rays amid Third World sanitation. Think of it as a bit of the Wild West not far from Bali's glitz.

Balangan Beach Bali

ON the northern end of the beach you can saw a small temple, name  this temple is a Pura Dalem Balangan. Bamboo beach shacks line the southern end; visitors laze away with one eye cast on the action at the fast left surf break here.

You also can access the beach via rough tracks from two parking areas: the north end is near the uncrowded temple, the south end is near the beach bars.

Thank you so much already visiting my blog god bless you 

Bingin Beach

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Bingin Beach
The best surfing and beautiful  beach at south kuta bali

Bingin Beach is located at Pecatu Village, South Kuta District, Badung regency and Bali Province – Indonesia. It is only 25 minutes from Denpasar Airport or 10 minutes to Uluwatu Temple, a famous tourist destination in Bali Island.

Bingin Beach

Bingin Beach is a very beautiful beach with stunning view of Indian Ocean and the great wave that make it as one of the demanded surfing points by surfers in Bali Island. The wave characteristic is big, powerful and challenging have been able to stimulate the adrenaline for every surfer especially for experience surfer until the professional one to conquer the wave at this beach

Let us save raja ampat for Future Generations

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Let us save raja ampat for Future Generations
UNESCO heritage sites

Let us save raja ampat for Future Generations
The Indonesian authorities again arrested another illegal fishing boat in the remote south of the Raja Ampat Islands, just off the coast of West Papua. Local Papuan rangers spotted the 55-tonne illegal fishing vessel as it deployed a gill net in a Marine Protected Area (MPA). On board, police found more than two tonnes of drying shark fins and 80 critically endangered Hawksbill

This is really good reason to focus conservation efforts on Raja Ampat the region supports more marine species than anywhere else on the planet, including at least 553 types of coral and 1470 species of reef fish. There are single reefs here that contain more species than the entire Caribbean. Scientists also believe that Raja Ampat’s corals may be more resilient to bleaching episodes caused by rising sea temperatures.

Indonesian ’ve maintained their zero tolerance policy and it has worked - destructive fishing has given way to hight end dive tourism.

Legian Bali

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Legian Bali

Hi Hello All of my best friends from around the world meet me again on my blog and today i want to shared information about Legian Bali this place so beautiful and already became the one of best destination for backpacker from all over the world

Legian Bali

Legian Bali is a suburban and beach area on the west coast of Bali just north of Kuta and south of Seminyak

The most popular stretch of Legian Beach is at the bottom of  jalan Padma,or Padma street and is sometimes called Padma Beach. It is more relaxed than Kuta, has a better and less crowded surf break, and is home to many nice vendors selling beunder umbrellas. There is easy parking here for US$1 per motorbike.

There is a long north-south road between the beachfront hotels and the beach, which is only open for authorised vehicles when there is a ceremony being held. Otherwise it is a well paved footpath, and makes for an excellent walking route, allowing users an easy beach-side stroll along to restaurants, bars and nightclubs on Double Six Beach.

Batu Bolong Temple at Senggigi Beach Lombok

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Batu Bolong Temple at Senggigi Beach Lombok

if 3 day ago i share about batu bolong temple in bali now i want to show another temple in lombok and this temple have same name like in bali but different place this temple located in senggigi beach lombok 

Batu Bolong Temple at Senggigi Beach Lombok
When visit to Senggigi Beach, you will not miss Batu Bolong Temple. This is because the temple Situated is near the beach.Pura Batu Bolong or Batu Bolong Temple is one of the Hindus temple in Lombok Island. It is famous, and most Hindu people come to Batu Bolong at Purnama, Kuningan, Galungan or Odalan Ceremony. At Purnama, Hindu people celebrate the full moon. Hence, when you visit Senggigi at full moon, you can enjoy the ceremony as well and Enjoying the ceremony will become an interesting activity for us.

Ubud Bali Guide

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Ubud Bali Guide
Here is a Best Online travel guide for Ubud Bali special for you

Ubud Bali Guide

Ubud located in central Bali, conveniently close to all other areas in Bali. because  Bali is a relatively small island, you can go to almost any location over the day.

Taxies or local buses do not exist in and around Ubud. Instead there are licenced drivers, local drivers with own private cars that will take you where you need to go.
Normally you can trust anyone, and they have modern, air-conditioned cars. Just agree on the price in advance and they will take you where you want to go and will be your personal guide. It is cheap and within Ubud area you never pay more than US$8 -us$10  for the trip.

If you are going one-way to Kuta or other common locations, there are tourist buses where you buy the tickers in advance from any of the tourist offices. One way to Kuta is around Us$ 8 

There are local “Bemos”, mini-buses, that take local people between locations but it is not recommended to try them if you can't  speaking indonesian, are looking for an adventure, or are very familiar with the region.

that will Takes long time, no fixed prices, have to change “Bemo” at least 2 times even if going just 20 km, and not comfortable

Easiest way to go around short distances is by motor bike, bike or simply by walking.

Motor bikes can be rented from many places or from hotels. Daily rent approx. US$7 , Weekly US$ 35.
Be sure to have international licence and use helmet.
Going to the north you will find lava beaches, mountains, lakes and nice fruit plantations. Kintamani is offering a stunning view and is located only one hour from Ubud by car or motor bike.

The closest beach is only 15 minutes away. But only 30 minutes away you will find even more nice beaches. In the east, you will find Padang Bay and Blue Lagoon, beautiful and quiet. Going south you have popular Sanur Beach, Kuta or, more far away, Nusa Dua.

Kuta, the biggest and most crowded tourist area is one hour away. There you will find big markets, shopping centres, many restaurants and clubs and off course the big beach.
North of Kuta you will find Seminyak, Legian and Kerobokan. More exlusive areas compared to Kuta.

Wedding At Bali Nusa Dua Beach Venue

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Wedding at Bali Nusa Dua Beach Venue

Nusa Dua this located in 40km south of Denpasar, as the provincial capital of Bali. Access is easy from the Kuta area (20-30 minutes) and Jimbaran (15 minutes) on the main southern route called ( big street ) Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai, which becomes Jalan Bypass Nusa Dua as it approaches the enclave.

Wedding At Bali Nusa Dua Beach Venue

The international airport is about just take 20 to 30 minutes by car and a pre-paid taxi fare from there will cost between US$10 and US$12 If you are staying here, then your hotel will no doubt arrange to pick you up at the airport.

Nusa dua beach wedding offer many choice of your Bali wedding venue. white sandy beach along nusa dua beach is the best choice for your bali wedding places. Nusa dua tourist resort and beach is managed by Bali Tourism development corporation centerwhich managed the area of Nusa Dua. In Nusa dua set in some5 star property start from the south one called Stregis, Bali Golf, novotel bali beach club, Ayodya,Putri Bali, Grand Hyatt Nusa Dua, Melia Bali, The laguna, westin,wedding package at nua dua beach

Batu Bolong Temple

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Batu Bolong Temple 
The Most Beauty Sunset at Batu Bolong Temple Bali

Batu Bolong Temple
Batu Bolong Temple in Tanah Lot Bali became a part of the natural beauty and one who make visitor want take selfie on the sunset in Tabanan. The temple became a part of the beauty with Large rock protruding into the sea. When the tides, the hole in the bottom of large rock in Batu Bolong Temple be inundated by sea water. The hole into a gap and a great place to see the sunset.

and Batu Bolong Temple be an phenomenom tourist attraction in Tanah Lot Tabanan. During a ritual by local residents in the temple. From a distance looks row above the shelf was walking hand in hand with bringing offerings.

Tanah Lot Temple not only a temple to praying for Hindus in Bali. But also become a tourist attraction. Also on Batu Bolong Temple , into a worship place for Hindus in Bali. Tanah Lot Temple and Batu Bolong Temple are two temples are interrelated. Not only as a holy place, as well as a protector of the island, and into confidence for the people of Bali. This temple is made to protect the island from the negative influences that come from the sea. Just like other temples around Bali region contained by the sea, Batu Bolong Temple Tanah Lot also be protective for Bali.

Guraici Island North Maluku

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Guraici Island North Maluku 
The Small Paradise With abundance and beauty of tropical fish

Guraici Island is an Small island located in the district of South Halmahera, North Maluku province. Guraici this island is one of the best diving in the northern Maluku. There are at least eight potential diving spots scattered in the waters of the archipelago Guraici.

Stretch of white sand that stretches along the coast and the diversity of species of coral towing a tourist attraction for domestic and international. Variety of species of fish swim among the coral reef nan presenting beautiful and natural scenery is very beautiful underwater Guraici fascinating and different diving locations elsewhere.

Guraici Island North Maluku 

One of the unique that will be encountered on the seabed Guraici Pari-fish (Fish Manta) are benign. besides diving guraici island is an excellent spot for tourists who are in because of hobby fishing in waters guraici through the equator that causes many fish congregate.

Tegal Wangi Beach Bali

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Tegal Wangi Beach Bali 
Favorite Locations For Pre Wedding Photo Session In Bali

Enchanting beauty of the island of Bali is not separated from its beautiful beaches, in addition to Kuta beach is already very well known to foreign corners, there are a few beaches on the island that holds its own beauty.

Tegal Wangi Beach Bali
One of the Most beautiful beaches in southern Bali is still very rarely visited by tourists is Tegal Wangi Jimbaran beach.

The location of Tegal Wangi Jimbaran beach located in the traditional village of Jimbaran, exactly the way towards the hotel Ayana Resort. Follow the signposts towards Pura Tegal Wangi, and you will see a stretch of beach right in front of the temple.
If you come from Ngurah Rai International Airport will take approximately 30 minutes to Jimbaran beach Tegal Wangi.

would be more easier to know how really beautiful the location you must see these pictures and please see all pictures of these beach!

Well, if you already see the picture you may think that it’s kind of wallpaper or not real picture. But in fact, the picture is real and taken from one of the beautiful beach in Bali – Indonesia called Tegal Wangi.

Lihaga Island

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Lihaga Island

Lihaga Island, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Lihaga Island

North Sulawesi has the potential of marine and coastal tourism are very diverse. Who is not familiar with the underwater beauty of Bunaken? But Bunaken is just one of the many fascinating marine tourism destination in the province. Another marine tourism destination is the Island of Lihaga. Lihaga, is an island that only has an 8 ha. Being in the administrative area of North Minahasa regency. The island is located at the upper end of the island of Sulawesi in the form of letter K. If the dotted line is drawn, will form a virtual line sort from Lihaga Island up to General Santos, Davao In the Philippines. In this false line, there are also the islands of Sangir Talaud, Talise, Bangka, and the Gangga.

Siladen Island

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Siladen Island
Heaven for Underwater Photographers

Siladen Island

Siladen island is next to Bunaken near Manado, Sulawesi, and offers some of the nicest diving in the world. Clear water, great soft corals and prolific fish and macro life await you.
Siladen island has beautiful, healthy corals as shallow as 8ft deep. A wall full of life drops down from 30ft to 80ft deep, filled with tunicates, nudibranchs, soft corals, sea fans and crinoids.

West Javanese art & cultural festival

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West Javanese art & cultural festival

West Java is a province of Indonesia. It is located in the western part of the island of Java and home for sundanese ethnic capital city and largest urban center is Bandung The province's population is 50 million in 2014 and it is the most populous and most densely populated of Indonesia's provinces.

West Javanese art & cultural festival

And West Javanese art & cultural festival is A good example of acculturation showing the success of the community in the interaction process and accepting global new values without losing its identity can be seen through their arts expressions flourished well in the areas of West Java

Now, when the rapid process of changes is happening and the new millennium is beginning to enter the life of human being, the awareness of Sundanese community to expose themselves as Sundanese People seem to find the right moment and space. As a community they are aware that it is crucial to preserve the culture of Sunda with its traditional values and culture instead of merely showing a gesture of commitment toward the culture preservation. Sundanese community in West Java is more concerned

Finally, the entire aspects of culture are united in the unification of culture that is continuously interactive along with the growth of culture transformation process with the illustration of sharp little fingers moving graciously with hidden smiles from sundanese beautiful girls, can represent the warmness, closeness and the beauty of the esthetic of culture presented by the culture of West Java, from which the doors to the civilization are open.

West Sumatran Idocrase gemstones

West Sumatran Idocrase gemstones
The most beautiful gemstones From Indonesia

West Sumatra Idocrase is one of the most rare and beautiful gemstones in the world Idocrase gemstone  from west sumatra also known as vesuvianite 

West Sumatran Idocrase gemstones
In the highlands of west sumatra province in the region of Dharmasraya some locals peoples search extract the idocrase a green,yellowish sometimes they finding these stone from deep in the mountain rainforests and rivers;then they sell the rough to local trader that resell again to carvers that make mostly cabochons; the clearity goes from transparent to 
semi transparent,translucent to opaque and colour from all the ranges of greens passing through yellow to pink and black,but most common is green

Pangandaran Beach

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Pangandaran beach

Pangandaran Beach Still Near with Pelabuhan ratu Beach and pangandaran  is one of West Java’s best kept-secrets as far as international tourists are concerned. Located on a peninsula on the south coast of West Java, about 91 Km from the town of Ciamis, Pangandaran offers uniquely black and white sand, calm waved beaches and spectacular sunsets. The beach resort facing the Indian Ocean is 223 Km from Bandung and 400km from Jakarta, and lies halfway between Bandung and Yogyakarta.

Pangandaran Beach

This beautiful peninsula was once better known as a small fishing place; fishermen would set sail in the morning and return in the afternoon with their catch. As the fishermen return, all the locals would meet them on the beach and help them pull the nets heavy with fish to shore. This activity can still be seen today; you can also participate and experience the sensation of pulling the heavy fish nets back to shore and get to know what it is like to be a fisherman. It also makes a swell picture.

Pelabuhan Ratu Beach

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Pelabuhan Ratu Beach 
The Mystical Legend of The Queen Southern Sea of Java

Pelabuhan Ratu Beach it's Sundanese dialect in english mean Harbor of Queen is the administrative capital of Sukabumi Regency. Located at the southwest coast of West Java facing Indian Ocean. It is four hours drive from Bandung to visit the bay Teluk Palabuhanratu, .The bay is shaped like a large horseshoe and has enormous waves that can be very treacherous for swimming. The Pelabuhan Ratu white sands beach is also a popular vacation destination for local visitors The Sundanese locals tell that the Indian Ocean is the home for spirit Nyai Loro Kidul the Queen of the Southern Sea of Java who reigns along the southern-coast of all Java.

Pelabuhan Ratu Beach

Nyai Loro Kidul is often illustrated as a mermaid with a tail as well the lower part of the body of a snake or a fish. The mythical creature is claimed to take the soul of any who she wished for. According to local popular beliefs around coastal villages on Southern Java, the Queen often claim lives of fishermen or visitors that bathe on the beach, and she usually prefers handsome young men. and the queen of the southern sea Nyi Roro Kidul likes the color green. Out of concern for their own safety, many people do not wear anything green. If one wears the queen's color, she will pull them to the sea and they will never return. At Samudera Beach Hotel, for example, there is even a special room 308 furnished with green colours & reserved special for Nyai Loro Kidul Yet despite all of the Mystical legend of The Queen Southern Sea of Java ,make us scared Pelabuhan Ratu beach is a nice destination for travelers.

Bali Arts Festival 2015

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Bali Arts Festival 2015
Jun 13th, 2015 - Jul 11th, 2015

Unity in Diversity" is the official national motto of Indonesia Here, Indonesians who come from all over the world and with  religion & ethnic different  backgrounds, live together side by side.

Bali Arts Festival 2015

And Bali Arts Festival is considered as one of the enchanting celebration of the year who will held at jun 13th,2015 - jul 11th 2015 Aside from the colorful music and art performances, it touches the realization that art affects daily endeavours. The festival will be held at Bali, Indonesia from the month of June until July. Explore each various events which showcases the creative handicrafts exhibitions, arts by means of music, dance and beauty. The cultural parade will be happening where people n their distinct costumes are eye-catching. This is also one way promoting Balenese culture for tourism.

Nusa Ceningan Bali

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Nusa Ceningan Bali

The Nusa Ceningan Islands located is 20 km away from Bali to the south-east coast consist of three islands named as Nusa Penida Island, Nusa Lembongan Island and Nusa Ceningan Island. Compared to the other two islands, Nusa Ceningan Island is the smallest one. Going to Nusa Ceningan Island can be traveled by using a boat departed from Sanur, or if you are already in Nusa Lembongan Island, you can just use the bridge that is connecting these two islands.

Nusa Ceningan Bali

Nusa Ceningan Island’s climate is a dry and hot. the nature of Nusa Ceningan Island is a spectacular one. Since the Nusa Ceningan Island is not a big island, you can explore every inch of this spectacular beauty within a short period of time. To heat up your day in Nusa Ceningan Island, you can start your journey from the eastern part of the island where you will find an amazing coral reef. In this location, you can spoil yourself by swimming, surfing and also snorkeling. This is a perfect place to enjoy the clear water and to see a great variety of underworld creatures, such as the corals and fish.

Buyan Lake Bali

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Buyan Lake Bali 
good place to Recharge Your Heart 

Buyan and Tamblingan lakes it's a twin Lakes on North Bali under the administration of Buleleng district. Those two lakes have a natural beautiful scenery, to get pleasure from surrounding scenery. You can use a boat that used for fishing from fishers.

With the fresh and cool air surrounding with the green-looking mountain, the trip will be so enjoyable. Around the road to Lake Buyan, you can find out some agricultural lands such as cabbage, strawberry, tomato, mustard and so on. Besides that, you can see some wild monkeys in the main road to the twin lakes.

Buyan Lake Bali

Both lakes are surrounded by forests that are still green and natural. Those two lakes located 21 km from the south of Singaraja town. on that lakes, there are some lake cliffs that quite steep, and various trees such as resin makes this area around the lakes has beautiful natural scenery so fresh ad cool good to Recharge your heart when broken love LOL.

Tamblingan Lake Bali

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Tamblingan Lake Bali
The Beautiful Lake in The Plateau area

Hello all of my best friend from all over the world today i want to share about tamblingan lake 
and i aslo put pic about Beautiful view of Tamblingan Lake is a lake located in the plateau area in bali province of indonesia 

Tamblingan Lake Bali

with green hill surrounded. It is situated adjunction to Buyan Lake with cool weather
 surrounds it. It owns the fascination where the nature authenticity is 
felt and the inexistence of boat use motorize here. These beautiful lakes can be seen 

from the top hill right from Asah Gobleg Countryside, Sukasada District and Singaraja regency, 
north part of Bali . This lake is encircled by hill and covered by fresh cold atmosphere will
fascinate all visitors who pay a visit to this place. This lake is ideal for Jungle Trekking 
Adventure because it was very amazing with the rain forest including flora and fauna observation.

Beside of that, many local visitors are doing camping program or outdoor team 
building while enjoy

 The beautiful nature. Here we also can see the local residents use the small traditional boat
 which is called Perahu to cross it or doing fishing.

Thank You For Already visiting my blog and greeting peace love and respect
 from west java indonesia

Marine Park Banda Neira

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Marine Park Banda Neira
The best dive spots in the world & the fastest-growing coral in The World
UNESCO World Heritage Site

Since the first century AD, the Banda islands have been the sole producers of the fragrant nutmeg and mace for which Chinese, Indian, and Arab ships traveled across the seas. These precious spices could be sold at enormous profit in foreign markets.

The people of Banda thrived on their natural resources, but in later years suffered at the hands of Dutch colonizers who wanted to dominate the world’s spice trade.

Despite such a big reputation, the fabled Banda islands are only a tiny cluster of islands, composed of three large islands and seven smaller ones. The islands are perched on the rim of Indonesia's deepest underwater gorge, the Banda Sea, where waters can reach depths of over 6,500 meters.

Two of the biggest islands, Banda Besar and Naira, are covered with nutmeg trees. The third island, Gunung Api or ‘peak of fire’, is an active volcano that emerges from the deep in a perfect cone, and is entirely rugged and highly volcanic. In the waters surrounding these islands you’ll find some of the world’s most spectacular marine gardens, with bright corals and colorful fish, bustling through the crystal-clear waters, making it suitable for diving, snorkeling or even simply sightseeing.

Marine Park Banda Neira

Komodo National Park

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Komodo National Park
UNESCO World Heritage Site

Komodo National Park

The Komodo National Park  this island located at the westernmost tip of East Nusa Tenggara Province, which borders the province of West Nusa Tenggara. Precisely in the District of Komodo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Since 1980, an area of 1817 km2 National Park is made by the Government of Indonesia, which is then recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986. Together with two other large islands, the island of Rinca and Padar, Komodo Island and several smaller islands around it continues to be maintained as a habitat for native reptiles, dubbed the "Komodo Dragon" it.

Varanus komodoensis bears the Latin name and local name "Ora", giant lizards, according to a story first published in 1912 in a national daily Dutch East Indies. Peter A. Ouwens, director of the Zoological Museum at Bogor is a person who has been introduced to the world through his paper dragons that. Since then, expeditions and research on endangered species continue, even reportedly had inspired the film KingKong in 1933. Recognizing the need for protection against the dragon in the center of human activity in it's original habitat, in 1915 the Dutch government issued a ban on the hunting and killing dragons.

Ramayana International Festival In The Prambanan Temple

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Ramayana International Festival In The Prambanan Temple

Prambanan is the magnificent spectacle masterpiece of Hindu culture of the tenth century. The slim building soaring up to 47 meters makes its beautiful architecture incomparable during the reigns of two kings namely Rakai Pikatan and Rakai Balitung and now prambanan temple is a icon of Indonesia's.

Ramayana International Festival In The Prambanan Temple, 

The International Ramayana Festival at Prambanan Temple in Yogyakarta is a Presenting the Hindu epic story of Ramayana, troupes from the participating countries put their own twists on the epic according to their cultural backgrounds.

The diverse performance styles offered a distinctive attraction, with the contingents showcasing their unique takes complete with costumes, music and choreography.
The reliefs of the Ramayana classic carved on the walls of Prambanan Temple, which was built in the eighth century, were seemingly revived, constituting a portrayal of heroism, truth and loyalty.

The Borobudur International Festival

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The Borobudur International Festival 
"Unity in Diversity".is the official national motto of Indonesia

The majestic Buddhist temple of Borobudur in Central Java has twice been the site of a celebration to showcase the wonders of this ancient site, one of Indonesia’s premier tourist attractions.

The Borobudur International Festival is a place where trade, tourism and culture overlap. Taking place in 2003 and then again in 2009, the festival saw people flock to the celebrations, showing the vital role that the temple plays in people’s spiritual as well as economic well being. The festival involved seminars, exhibitions, travel marts, cultural performances as well as sport festivals.

The 2009 festival lasted five days and attracted representatives from all over the world including Australia, the Phillipines, Germany, India and Thailand. Representatives came to soak up the local culture as well as to buy the tour packages offered by operators and agencies from around Indonesia. Participating countries also had the opportunity to display their own cultures as performers from the global community presented their talents in a fascinating array of traditional music, crafts and art shows, all at the foot of the spectacular Borobudur temple.

The Borobudur International Festival

The festival was truly a celebration of global culture, an exchange between Indonesia and the world. It provided a forum for experts to exchange their views on cultural heritage. Most of all, it was a unique chance for Indonesia to once again present Borobudur in all its glory to the world

Singkarak Lake the widest lake in Sumatra island

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Singkarak Lake
The widest lake in Sumatra island

 Singkarak is an enormous crater lake set within a dramatic volcanic landscape. Spread over two districts; Solok and Tanah Datar, the lake is a massive 1000 hectares. It is the widest lake in Sumatra and the second biggest lake on the island, after Lake Toba. A world of silent calm, breathtaking vistas and spectacular views awaits here. Here you can embrace the remote natural beauty that Indonesia is so famous for. 

Singkarak Lake The widest lake in sumatra island

Locally Lake Singkarak is famous for its Bilih fish which is a species of fish that only lives in this lake. This fish is especially unique as it can’t survive anywhere only can lives in Lake Singkarak, not even in an aquarium 

Short History about Moluccas Island

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Short History about Moluccas Island

The Indonesian archipelago of the Moluccas or Maluku Islands, commonly referred to as the Spice Islands, lies on the equator north of Australia and west of New Guinea. Though there are hundreds of islands in the group most are very small), only a handful figure prominently in the history of the European spice trade, including today’s Ternate, Tidore, Moti, Makian, and Bacan essentially the ones shown on the surrounding maps. Until the 1700s, these rain-forested, luxuriant, volcanic islands were the only or best sources of such spices as cloves, nutmeg, and mace.

Short History about Moluccas Island

Arab traders introduced cloves to Europeans around the fourth century but sought to keep their sources secret. Their monopoly was broken by the Portuguese after Vasco da Gama’s voyage to India around the Cape of Good Hope in 1497. The Portuguese strengthened their stranglehold on the spice trade during the sixteenth century, when they found the central locus of the spices to be these islands. One of the native traditions was to plant a clove tree when a child was born, linking the child symbolically to the life of the tree. When the Dutch took over control of the Moluccas in the seventeenth century, they eradicated the clove trees from all the islands except Amboina (and a few adjacent islands) in order to enforce the spice’s scarcity, keeping prices high. As a result, cloves were worth more than their weight in gold. But, as one might expect, the Dutch tactic also instilled hatred and fomented rebellion among the islanders. Gradually, the spice was cultivated in other places of the world, like Brazil, the West Indies, and Zanzibar, reducing prices and making the commodity more available.

However, the historical significance of these islands cannot be overstated. Largely because of the magnetic force of spices, European ships risked sailing into unknown waters (Portuguese ventures down and around Africa), “found” a New World (Columbus’s crossing of the Atlantic), and first circled the globe Magellan’s crossing of the Pacific

Solo Batik Carnival

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Solo Batik Carnival

The Solo Carnival first Launched at 2008 in Solo City its an the Central Java province of Indonesia, the Solo Batik Carnival is an annual celebration of Indonesian heritage.

During the parade, models present elaborate, colorful costumes made from traditional batik cloth. Wearing the costumes, the presenters dance a traditional number in the streets while accompanied by music.

Solo Batik Carnival

And The Indonesian batik, recognized by UNESCO as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2009, is made using a manual wax-resist dyeing technique. Traditional colors such as dark brown, white, and indigo are representative of the three major Hindu gods. Those familiar with the patterns of batik can determine the royal lineage of a person based on the cloth he or she is wearing.

Various regions of Indonesia have their own unique batik like a pattern flowers, nature, folklore, animals that often take their themes from everyday life.

Karma Reef Gili Meno Beach Lombok

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Karma Reef Gili Meno Beach Lombok 

After yesterday diving on karma beach bali 
now we can moving to karma reef Gili meno beach lombok 

Karma Reef Gili Meno Beach Lombok 

The Gili Meno island is one of three Gili islands off the coast of Lombok, Indonesia. It’s a speck in the ocean, just 2km wide
Fresh water is brought in by boat and no motorised transport is allowed.

It takes about 90 minutes to get there from Lombok airport via a drive across the island and a quick boat trip
The resort, Karma Reef, fits its location perfectly.
There are 10 skinny two-storey huts and a beach club,just a one metres from the shore.

Boats are available for hire at Karma Reef in Gili Meno
The huts, called lumbungs, are made mostly from dark timber and bamboo. They look a very romantic

Karma Beach Bali

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Karma Beach Bali 
The ‘World’s 50 Best Beach Bars’ by CNN

Karma Beach Bali is Karma Kandara’s internationally renowned beachfront venue, elevating laid-back, jet set style to new heights. The newly re-branded Karma Beach Bali is styled after a sensual, wind-swept beach cabana and the restaurant is organically designed with locally grown yellow bamboo, classic thatched roofing, white-washed timber furnishings and sexy misting fans to keep hot guests cool. Karma Beach Bali is one of the only truly private beach venues on Bali

Karma Beach Bali

Karma Beach Bali was voted ‘Best Beach Club in Bali’ by Hello Bali magazine and was recently named amongst the ‘World’s 50 sBet Beach Bars’ by CNN Travel. Offering the most titillating dining and entertainment events calendar on the island, experience one of music’s biggest artists or dance barefoot beneath the stars to one of Ibiza or London’s hottest DJs. Complemented by exquisite Mediterranean, Asian and Indonesian fare, choose fresh fish plucked daily from the Indian Ocean, sample the chef’s live station stocked with expertly prepared sushi and sashimi or go native and indulge in one of Karma’s legendary Hot Babi Guling (Suckling Pork) BBQ Beach Parties

Salodik Waterfall

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Salodik Waterfall
Clean, Secure, Beautiful and Naturaly

If you want traveling to Luwuk ,Central Sulawesi indonesia . don't forget to visit one of the best places Salodik Waterfall. It is 10 miles away from Luwuk town, located exactly in Salodik village, Central Sulawesi Province. This waterfall is on the edge of a hill about 750 metres above sea level providing some cool air besides a stunning nature.

Salodik Waterfall

Salodik Waterfall falls through in layers and never gets dry even in a dry season. The water is cold pure and has blueish-green color. The lush tropical forest surrounding the wide waterfall makes this a perfect spot to relax and a get away from the city crowdness. You can also take great pictures here

Jailolo Bay Festival

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Jailolo Bay Festival

Jailolo Bay Festival or Teluk Jailolo Festival is an annual event held by the Tourism Department of West Halmahera for the purpose of promoting the potential for tourism, natural resources, culture, also business in the area of Jailolo, West Halmahera. For those of you who are interested in exploring deeper into the beauty of their natural habitat and culture, there will be a variety of fun events such as; parade, exhibition, spice expo, taking a walk through the spice garden for the spice trip event, fishing contest, swimming contest, rowing contest, fun diving where you can participate in replanting corrals reefs, Sigofi Ngolo sea ritual, also a cultural party by the beach to feast on traditional cuisines with the locals.

Jailolo Bay Halmahera

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Jailolo Bay Halmahera

Jailolo Bay is a volcanic complex on a peninsula, west of Halmahera island part of indonesian archipelago  indonesia. It has lava flows on the eastern flank, small caldera at the west and southwest of the mountain, hot springs along the northwest coast of the caldera. Small volcanic island was formed by the Kailupa cone, off the southern coast of the peninsula.

Jailolo Bay Halmahera

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